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Become a RENTV Executive Subscriber! For just $149/year you'll get:

  • FREE access to the latest versions of all of our Executive Reports (we post 1 - 2 reports/month priced at $19.99 to $39.99 each) - See below for more information.
  • DISCOUNTED access to thousands of archived daily news stories from the past eight years (non-subscribers pay $3.99 each).
  • SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS on earlier (archived) versions of our Executive Subscriber reports.
  • DISCOUNTS on job and property listings.
RENTV's Executive Subscriber Reports:

Hot Transactions
Space Jamz
In the Market
On the Market
Development Site

  • Hot Transactions: This extremely useful resource tool is a favorite of owners, developers, investors, brokers, lenders, appraisers and many other industry pros looking to keep up on recent transaction activity from a specific market in Southern California. The report consists of closed office, industrial and retail sale and lease comps from the previous 12 months segregated by transaction type and by property type, and then listed chronologically for each category. Some of the reports are up to 50 pages and can include hundreds of closed transactions. We typically publish one Hot Transactions report every month. We produce reports for nine different regions. Click HERE to see a sample of a past Hot Transactions report.

  • Space Jamz: In this report, RENTV provides you with a rundown of the largest blocks of contiguous office space in a given Southern California market. The report includes valuable information about each building listed, including: ownership; space(s) available; leasing agents; asking rents; and some specific information about the property and location. The report includes photos of most of the buildings. We produce about one report of this type every other month. Click HERE to see a sample of a past Space Jamz report.

  • Tenants in the Market: A terrific source of leads for all types of commercial real estate professionals, this report provides a list of companies known or rumored to be looking for space within the report coverage area. The tenants included in the report usually start with a minimum requirement of around 20k sf and go up from there, and consist of companies that range from local businesses to Fortune 500 firms. These reports are always in high demand and by themselves are easily worth the cost of an annual Executive Subscription. Click HERE to see a sample of a past Tenants in the Market report.

  • Properties on the Market: This report provides readers with a quick and easy way to get a grasp of many of the properties that are being marketed for sale in a specific market and at what prices. A typical report will provide office, industrial, retail and multifamily listings, ranging in price anywhere from $2 mil on up. Most reports carry anywhere from 30 to 40 listings from a number of different brokerage firms. Click HERE to see a sample of a past Properties on the Market report.

  • Development Site: This unique report takes a look at most of the biggest commercial developments currently underway in a given region, providing you with the knowledge of what is being built, by whom, in the given market area. We let you know: the developers, contractors and architects; all of the important details about the projects; the construction timetable; the leasing brokers; and the asking rates; as well as other information. We also include construction photos and/or project renderings. We cover eight different Development Site regions. Click HERE to see a sample of a past Development Site report.

RENTV's News Archives

As an Executive Subscriber you'll receive a sizable discount on all of RENTV's daily news stories that we've posted over the past nine years - we're talking about thousands of articles, loaded with valuable historical information on commercial real estate companies, transactions, developments, personnel moves and other news. With access to all of our content and our new search function, you'll be able to quickly look up old transactions for a specific building, or property sales from a number of years ago, or information about a recent project from the time it was built, and much, much more!

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