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William Gutierrez Named CFO at Premier Business Centers


William “Willie” Gutierrez was just named Chief Financial Officer at Premier Business Centers, where he’ll be responsible for establishing and maintaining the company’s financial policies and procedures and overseeing all accounting functions including accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management, budgeting, insurance and taxes.
In addition, Gutierrez will be responsible for exploring and developing new profit centers for the company, including the establishment of a third party fee based property management business.

Gutierrez, a certified public accountant (CPA), has an undergraduate degree in business from University of Redlands, a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Biola University and 29 years of experience in commercial real estate and accounting. For the past nine years Gutierrez was a Vice President with Merrill Lynch, responsible for the disposition of all excess office space throughout the country, and handled a real estate portfolio of over 200 offices. His responsibilities included planning, strategy, relocation and renewal for each office in the portfolio which covers the West Coast to the Mid Western States. Gutierrez’ other prior employment includes three years as a commercial real estate broker for Lynx Retail and 10 years at Weyerhaeuser Financial Investments, where he held three positions.

Gutierrez started at Weyerhaeuser as Assistant Vice President, Foreclosures, supervising more than 50 people, until he was promoted to Vice President, Real Estate Development. After several years, he was promoted again at Weyerhaeuser to Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of their business operations in Mexico City. Willie also worked for 4 years at the predecessor to Price Waterhouse Coopers as an audit supervisor.

“We are excited to have Willie join our team,” said Premier Business
Centers Chief Executive Officer Jeff Reinstein. Reinstein also said
that he believes “Willie’s significant experience on both the landlord and tenant side of the commercial real estate business will have a positive impact on Premier’s growth strategies and bottom line.”

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