South Bay Leasing Action 6/12/01 Here's news of a couple of recent South Bay leases, starting in Long Beach, where The Designory, a graphic design firm that specializes in automotive accounts, has signed a $5.4 mil, five-year expansion/renewal lease for 43.7...
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Accord Interests Wins "Best Real Estate Resale" Award For 2001 6/12/01 Last August, RENTV shared a Hollywood real estate tale with our viewers, as we told the story of how an investment entity, with the help of the newly created Genesis LA Real Estate Fund, acquired the former ABC Studios buildi...
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Mid-Priced Deals From the Mid-Cities 6/09/01 We've got three recent leases to report from LA's Mid-Cities region, starting in Commerce and then working south. The first transaction was for 36k sf of flex-tech space, as Laundry by Shelli Segal, a specialty line by New Yo...
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Hanging Around the RENTV Watercooler 6/08/01 Lots of interesting things are going on around the industry, and in this little piece we aim to get you caught up. Some of these items may have been reported elsewhere, but most have not, so here goes.
We'll start with one o...
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Tall Sales From Low Cal 6/07/01 Here's news of one of the biggest sales in the region for quite some time, as ASP Regents Square LLC (Westbrook Partners) sold their Regents Square I and II office buildings, at 4250-4275 Executive Square in La Jolla, for $62...
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Bausch & Lomb Sees Opportunity in San Gabriel Valley 6/06/01 Here's an update on a few recent San Gabriel Valley deals, starting in San Dimas, at the very eastern edge of the region. And it is here we see that Bausch & Lomb, the international vision care company, has leased 58.2k sf o...
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Join Us For a Tour of Howard Hughes Center 6/06/01 The mini-city known as Howard Hughes Center has really sprung to life over the last few years, and the critical mass is now in place. The rapidly expanding business park, situated between Sepulveda Blvd and the 405 Fwy, just ...
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Cypress Land Buys More Ventura Land 6/05/01 West Los Angeles-based Cypress Land Company must be feeling pretty positive about demand for industrial development around Ventura County and the 101 Technology Corridor. And with good reason – according to Colliers Seeley's ...
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Orange County Not Just For Breakfast Anymore 6/04/01 PIMCO Advisors LP, The U.S. corporate services group for insurance and asset management company Allianz, based in Germany, leased 23.6k sf of prestigious first- and third-floor space at The Irvine Company's 4-story, 98k sf bu...
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Strong Selling in San Diego 6/01/01 There have been a number of substantial sales in San Diego County of late, so here's the scoop on five recent deals, with a combined value of over $60 mil. We'll start in Rancho Bernardo, where BAE Systems Mission Solutions h...
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Investors and Businesses Still Love Those South Bay Buildings 5/31/01 Office buildings in the South Bay continue to be in demand, as we've got news of a couple of such acquisitions from the last couple of weeks. In one, a Palo Alto investment entity known as Strock Hermosa LLC paid $5.4 mil for...
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MetLife Goes For the Good Life at Wilshire Landmark II 5/31/01 Here are a few recent lease transactions from the Westside, to keep you caught up on the latest deals in this affluent section of the city. We'll lead off with news of a big NY-based company, that being Metropolitan Life Insu...
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$16 Mil Ontario Transaction Leads Desert Deal Report 5/30/01 There have been a handful of sizable deals to report from the Inland Empire of late. We'll begin in Ontario, where Dorel Industries, manufacturers of infant and juvenile products (such as other RE news websites), inked a seve...
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Tri-Deals From the Tri-Cities 5/30/01 We've got three deals to let you know about from the Tri-Cities communities of Glendale and Pasadena. We'll start off with the sole Pasadena transaction, as an investor by the name of Al Dickens purchased a 52k sf medical off...
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Threesome From the San Fernando Valley 5/29/01 Here is a trio of deals from a few of the less real estate-oriented areas of the San Fernando Valley. We'll start in Calabasas, where a couple of insurance companies transacted a sizable sublease deal. Western General Insuran...
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We Hear About A Big West LA Music Deal 5/26/01 Here's the scoop on a recent West LA transaction that hasn't gotten much media coverage yet, and that is the sale of three small one- and two-story buildings, totaling 25k sf, that sit on 22k sf of land at the SE corner of Wi...
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Here's Your Chance to Own Part of LA's Highest High-Rise 5/24/01 Here's some big news about MaguirePartners, as we hear that Rob Maguire is looking to sell off his interest in the firm's impressive portfolio, which includes some of the biggest and most valuable office properties in Los Ang...
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SoCal Office Buildings Trading Hands 5/24/01 Investors seem to feel this is a good time to find opportunities in Southern California's office market, as evidenced by a couple more sizable transactions that we're going to let you know about. The first sale is Bentall Cor...
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Mid-Sized Deals From the Mid-Cities Area 5/23/01 Here's a couple of recent transactions from LA's Mid-Cities area. We'll start in Santa Fe Springs, where Inland Paperboard and Packaging inked a 10-year, $7.5 mil lease for a 121k sf ($0.52/sf/mo) facility at 11500 Los Nietos...
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Auto Club Maps Out Westminster; and Other O.C. Highlights 5/23/01 In Westminster, construction at Westminster Business Center has recently been completed. The $16.5 mil warehouse/distribution complex was developed by Sares-Regis Group and built by Oltmans Construction Company. The developme...
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