The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has received a $38.3 mil grant from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for the agency’s Doran Street Grade Separation Project, which seeks to eliminate an at-grade railroad crossing to improve safety for Metrolink, Amtrak and freight trains operating in the cities of Glendale and Los Angeles.
The federal funding is the third largest grant in the nation and is part of FRA’s Railroad Crossing Elimination Grant Program. It will specifically support Metro’s work to eliminate an at-grade crossing that today manages up to 90 train trips per day. Train volumes are anticipated to increase to 116 trains per weekday when the project is complete, and up to 335 trains per weekday when California High-Speed Rail trains begin operating in the area in 2033. The project will also improve safety and increase non-motorized access between employment, residences, and recreational opportunities in an area that is currently blocked off by a river and a freeway.
Metro will build a grade-separated structure that links L.A. and Glendale by connecting West San Fernando Road to the Fairmont Avenue bridge. According to the State of California, the Doran St crossing has one of the highest numbers of safety accidents involving vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians in Los Angeles County.
Metro is providing a 28% local funding match to help pay for the $58.3 mil project. The project is now fully funded and will officially begin construction scheduling. It is anticipated to be completed in 2026. A second $220.7 mil project phase will also build a nearby overpass at Salem and Sperry Streets.
The Doran Street Grade Separation Project is part of Metro’s Regional Rail Program, which leads the planning, design and construction of capital improvements along 140 miles of Metro-owned railroad right-of-way. Metro’s Regional Rail program team also helps plan and coordinate plans for the future high speed rail program in Los Angeles County, among other rail initiatives.
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