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Work Finished on New $50 Mil Facility at Long Beach City College


Long Beach City College has completed work on a new, 95.5k sf multi-disciplinary facility located on their Liberal Arts Campus. The project was built by C.W. Driver Companies and designed by HPI Architecture.

Designed to be a 21st-century learning environment and achieve LEED® Gold Certification, the $50.9 mil, three-story facility is the first design-build project funded by the state of California. The building will house language arts, career technology education, computer and office studies, the student success center, and student success and support programs. The facility will be open to students in time for the Spring 2023 semester.

As a ground-up project, the construction involved the abatement and demolition of two existing 1960s concrete frame buildings as well as all associated utilities, hardscape, irrigation and landscaping. The new facility is constructed as a single steel-frame structure complete with classroom, study and administrative spaces. Other key spaces include lecture halls, reading and writing focus areas, breakout rooms, and film studies theater. The project is surrounded by community courtyards where students can connect, study and socialize.

As a nod to the historical framework and character of the college’s Liberal Arts Campus, the new facility features elements of the Spanish colonial revival style alongside the introduction of contemporary elements. The fusion of design concepts creates an atmosphere that embraces both past and present.

Sustainable design practices were integrated into the project in order to achieve LEED® Gold Certification. The project focused on water efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and material resources. Notable features include; light colored hardscape; overhangs, balconies and shade structures to mitigate the heat island effect; stormwater retention basin; low-flow efficient plumbing structures; HVAC strategies for improved air quality; and more.

Funding was provided by California State Proposition 51 and by Measure E, a $440 mil bond approved in 2008, and Measure LB, a $850 mil bond approved in 2016, to fund new construction, renovation and repairs at the Long Beach City College Pacific Coast Campus and the Liberal Arts Campus.

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