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Hollywood’s Television Center Property to Be Redeveloped into a 620k sf Studio Campus


In news of a major L.A. area production studio development, BARDAS Investment Group and Bain Capital Real Estate plan to redevelop the former Television Center property in the heart of Hollywood into a modern, 620k sf urban studio campus. The $600 mil project will transform the aging facility, which sits on a 6.4-acre lot at 6311 Romaine St.

The property, which once served as Technicolor’s headquarters as well as the studio lot for Metro Pictures Corp, is one of the largest development sites in Hollywood. It was acquired by the partnership in March 2022.

Spanning two city blocks, the site is bordered by Santa Monica Blvd to the north, Cahuenga Blvd to the East, Willoughby Ave to the South and Cole Ave to the West. The existing facility, built between 1930 and 1966, currently offers approximately 183k sf of creative office and studio space.

A reimagined creative office environment along with a state-of-the-art production facility will be combined with the preservation of many of the distinctive buildings built during Technicolor’s heyday to create an intimate new studio campus rebranded as Echelon Television Center, according to BARDAS founder and Managing Principal David Simon.

On the northern block, the original art-deco facade will enclose a “lively” studio lot, bookended by a new mid-rise creative office building with ample private outdoor terraces framing views of the Hollywood Hills. The new construction will replace a parking lot and two dilapidated buildings on Santa Monica Blvd. On the southern block, a vacant parking lot will be given new life with four large soundstages flanking an expansive basecamp, capped by a six-story office building offering tailored creative office space, production support space, as well as private rooftop office bungalows and decks.

“This project represents our company’s continued focus on redeveloping infill product for the entertainment and media industries in the content capital of the world,” said Simon. “The old home to Technicolor and Metro Pictures represents another great opportunity to keep ‘Hollywood in Hollywood’.”

This dynamic project is the latest in a series of creative office, production and studio space being developed by the BARDAS-led joint venture that utilize innovative design to better serve Los Angeles’s hallmark industry.

The property will be managed under the joint venture’s Echelon brand, which provides a unique amenity core of hospitality programing and services including on-site experiences, wellness platforms, food and beverage branded operators and on-site management catering to the needs of the media and entertainment community.

Bain Capital Real Estate and BARDAS formed a joint venture in 2019 to pursue opportunities to acquire, renovate, develop, and operate creative office and other production space targeted at users in the content and media industry, with a focus on the key content sub-markets in Los Angeles. To date, the joint venture has invested in and has a pipeline of existing and new development projects encompassing more than 1.5 msf.

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