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Real Estate Developer Bernie Huberman Passes Away


The world lost a real estate legend on July 10 as veteran real estate developer Bernard “Bernie” Huberman passed away at the age of 65.

A son of Russian immigrants who grew up in Boyle Heights working at his father’s scrap metal yard as a kid, Huberman pioneered the concept of a waste transfer and recycling facility early in his career – a move that transformed the industry and paved the way for the creation of BLT Enterprises in 1984. Huberman started the business driving a trash truck, and during his career developed, owned and operated large scale transfer stations and recycling facilities throughout California, with a core focus on sustainability and recycling.

Never one to sit still, Huberman and his business partner Dan Rosenthal jumped into the real estate business early in their careers. They bought their first property together in 1987. Once they got bit by the real estate bug, they never stopped.

“Our first large scale waste facility was in Downtown Los Angeles on Washington and Alameda,” says Rosenthal, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer at BLT. “We spent a lot of time in the area at the time and came across opportunities to acquire industrial properties that most real estate investors shied away from. After we acquired a significant number of properties, Bernie and I realized that we couldn’t run the real estate business without building a leadership team like we did in the waste business.”

Today, BLT is a multi-faceted real estate development and investment company with a track record of success, and is well positioned for continued growth. The company, which was founded in Los Angeles, then headquartered in Oxnard, California until its return to Los Angeles in 2016, currently has over 3 msf of industrial, creative office and sound stages under ownership.

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