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NAR Teams Up with CREXi


In an effort to provide an enhanced commercial real estate information service for Realtors®, members of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) have partnered with Commercial Real Estate Exchange Inc (CREXi), the popular public marketing platform for commercial real estate listings.

CREXi is a commercial real estate community, marketplace and technology company that simplifies transactions and accelerates business for brokers, buyers, agents and tenants. CREXi offers a suite of tools allowing brokers to more quickly and easily manage their for-sale and for-lease offerings while also connecting customer supply with the widest pool of buyer demand.

"In the evolving world of real estate technology, it is crucial that NAR aligns with an innovative, public facing commercial listing portal that aggregates data from multiple sources, displays commercial properties and creates national exposure for our members' listings. CREXi is an industry-leading, Realtor®-friendly technology tool that will help advance our members-first mission for years to come," said NAR CEO Bob Goldberg.

According to Eli Randel, Vice President of Operations and Strategy at CREXi, the company will integrate its data with REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR) so that Realtors® can gain a more comprehensive overall research experience. Together, CREXi and RPR will enable NAR's commercial members to better streamline, manage and grow their business.

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