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The Klabin Company Refurbishes School Teachers Lounge in Wilmington as Part of Sharefest Workday


The Klabin Company/CORFAC International partnered with Phillips 66 for this year’s annual Sharefest Workday at Fries Elementary School in Wilmington. Sharefest, an organization that fosters youth development and volunteerism in the community, collaborates with local sponsors to host an annual Workday, which thus far has provided approximately $10 mil work of improvements to various sites within the South Bay.

This year’s Sharefest Workday took place on April 30, and The Klabin Company was given the opportunity to team with Phillips 66 in refurbishing the teacher’s lounge at Fries Elementary. Within five hours, The Klabin Company volunteers cleaned, painted, and completely redecorated the once run-down lounge.

At the conclusion of the day, some of the school’s faculty members visited the newly refurbished lounge and were “stunned” by the improvements, according to Frank Schulz, managing principal of The Klabin Company, based in Torrance. “They were amazed by the new furniture and appliance upgrades, and they continually said that they couldn’t wait for school on Monday so that they could spend some time in their new lounge,” he said.

Schulz, who is also a Sharefest board member, was “extremely proud” of the efforts that went into the lounge refurbishment. “This was a unique opportunity for our company because we were able to get our employees involved outside of the office, and they selflessly contributed their own time to help the South Bay community. Our project at Fries Elementary was particularly rewarding because it was a faculty lounge that hadn’t been upgraded in 50 years. The faculty really deserved a better space to eat lunch and take their breaks, but they just didn’t have the necessary funds,” Schulz said.

While members of The Klabin Company performed the physical work at the site, Schulz expressed gratitude towards Phillips 66 for making it possible by providing the funding. At the conclusion of the Workday, Schulz and his wife, Devan, accepted a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of The Klabin Company from Los Angeles City Councilman Joe Buscaino (15th District).

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