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BOMA San Francisco Awards 2024 Building of the Year to 23-Story 301 Howard Street


A 319k sf, 23-story Class A office tower at 301 Howard Street in San Francisco’s South Financial District has been awarded the 2024 The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY®) by the San Francisco chapter of the Building and Office Managers Association (BOMA-SF).

The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY®) Award is the commercial real estate industry’s highest recognition honoring excellence in commercial building management and operations in specific categories of building type or size.

301 Howard, which was recently renovated, won the TOBY® in the 250k sf – 499k s.f. office category. DivcoWest owns, operates, and has its corporate headquarters in the building which sits across from Salesforce Park. It also benefits from proximity to Bay Bridge access and local ferries.

Among the building’s significant amenities are a fully equipped fitness center with showers and lockers, and an award-winning, fully renovated lobby designed by Huntsman Architectural Group, all managed by a hospitality driven team. The building hosts Joe & The Juice, a globally recognized health and wellness café, and has an amenity lounge and bicycle storage for tenants.

For an opportunity to win a BOMA International TOBY Award, a property first must earn a BOMA 360 designation, a worldwide standard for building operations and management, and win both local and regional competitions.

Judging is based on criteria that includes community impact, tenant and employee relations programs, energy management and green policies, accessibility, emergency evacuation procedures, building personnel training programs and overall excellence. Building inspections are conducted by a team of industry experts.

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