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Sares Regis Group and Caltrain Land Approval for 191-Unit Res Development at the Hayward Park Train Station


In a public/private partnership, Sares Regis Group of Northern California (SRGNC) and Caltrain have gained approval from the San Mateo Planning Commission for a new apartment community called Hayward Park Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to be built on 2.7 acres adjacent to the Hayward Park Caltrain Station in San Mateo.

Image: BDE Architecture
Image: BDE Architecture
Hayward Park TOD will contain 191 studio, one- and two-bedroom apartment homes in a five-story building with 192 parking spaces and a commuter bike room accessible to the public. Located at 401 Concar Dr, the community will include 28 income-restricted homes (16 apartments reserved for Very Low-Income residents and 12 apartment homes reserved for Moderate-Income residents). The community will also offer residents a rooftop lounge, fitness center, community room, and a dog run.

The development will include over $300k of public art, which is anticipated to add a dramatic feature visible to commuters on trains. Plans call for breaking ground in the fall of 2023, with a completion date in 2025.

San Francisco-based BDE Architects designed the project. Hayward Park has received the endorsement of the San Mateo County Economic Development Association (SAMCEDA), the City of San Mateo Chamber of Commerce, and the Bay Area Council.

The development adheres to the Rail Corridor Plan approved by the City of San Mateo in 2005, which is committed to:

• Improve connections to Caltrain stations
• Improve pedestrian and bicycle environment and connections to transit stations
• Manage traffic and encourage alternates to driving
• Concentrate development at public transit station area
• Encourage transit supportive development
• Respect community character with new development
• Control height and massing of new development
• Control traffic impacts of new development

“This development will help to reduce traffic congestion and pollution, and provide much needed affordable housing, while connecting its residents to Caltrain and everything the Bay Area has to offer,” said Michelle Bouchard, acting executive director of Caltrain. “As the completion of Caltrain’s electrification grows ever closer, we hope to see more projects like this so more people can easily reap the benefits of our service.”

Based on public input, the entire site plan was changed to one building instead of two and added larger sidewalks, an updated bus stop, two additional ADA parking spaces for Caltrain, ramps to Caltrain Station, and bike-pedestrian connectivity.

Transit-oriented Hayward Park will be an all-electric building with many sustainable, energy-efficient features, including solar panels, Energy Star appliances, low-flow water conservation fixtures, and drought-tolerant landscaping.

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