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• Silicon Valley Industrial Market Update
Here is a first quarter 2014 review of the Silicon Valley industrial real estate market, provided to us by real estate services firm Kidder Mathews. 2013 ended strong for the industrial and warehouse markets in Silicon Valle...
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• Seattle Retail Market Continuing to Improve
The Seattle retail market continues to improve with moderate positive absorption and new construction, and a strong investment climate for stabilized centers. Here’s a first quarter 2014 update on the market, provided to us b...
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• CA Home Short Sales Fall to Lowest Level Since 2008
In an encouraging sign for a healthier spring home-buying market, California pending home sales increased more than usual and rose to the highest level in eight months. Meanwhile, the share of short sales has fallen to level...
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• First Quarter Update on San Francisco Peninsula Office Market
• Strong sales activity continues as an additional 837k sf traded and shows no signs of slowing • Fifteenth consecutive quarter of asking rate increases, rising 2.3% Q-O-Q • As vacancy tightens in downtown markets, demand shi...
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• March CA Home Prices Up 7.7% from February
California’s housing market ticked upward in March to reach the highest level in four months, but sales were still lower than a year ago as declining housing affordability continues to put downward pressure on the market, acc...
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• Demand Exceeding Supply of Office Space in San Francisco
For the first time since the late 1990’s dotcom boom, tenants are now in the market for more office space than is currently available in San Francisco, leading to a game of “musical chairs,” according to 1st quarter 2014 rese...
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• Portland Retail Market Seeing Continued Positive Absorption
Here is an update on the Portland, OR area retail market as of the end of the first quarter, 2014. This review has been provided to us by real estate services firm Kidder Mathews. Thanks to some fairly significant new constr...
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• U.S. Industrial Market Seeing a Healthy Start in 2014
The U.S. industrial market experienced healthy activity in the first quarter of 2014, according to the latest market data from CBRE Group Inc. Here is a summary of that research, provided to us by CBRE: Los Angeles holds the...
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• CA Pending Home Sales Rose for Second Month
Pending home sales posted stronger than average gains in February for the second straight month, thanks to seasonal factors, but remained below the level of a year ago, despite slight improvements in the statewide housing dem...
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• OC Commercial Real Estate Remains One of Nation’s Most ‘Sought-After’ Regions
Southern California commercial real estate shows positive signs across all sectors as it continues its road to recovery in 2014, shared industry experts at the 2014 Southern California Market Forecast Luncheon. The recent eve...
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• OC Office Leasing Stagnant in 4th Quarter 2013
The Orange County office market continued to lose momentum through the final quarter of 2013 as regional hiring slowed and market dynamics became less fluid. According to a year-end Orange County report from real estate servi...
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• Retailers Look to Expand Offerings to Boost Market Share
Investment real estate services firm Marcus & Millichap has just released its Net-Leased Outlook retail research report for the first half of 2014. Here is a summary of that report, provided to us by M&M: Net-leased retailer...
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• CA Pending Home Sales Pick Up In January Although Below Level from One Year Earlier
With the statewide housing inventory slowly improving, California pending home sales picked up steam in January and reversed a two-month decline, but pending sales were still down from a year ago, according to the latest data...
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• CA Home Sales Flat in January as Limited Supply Impacted the Market
A limited supply of available homes for sale continued to hamper California housing sales, which were essentially flat in January, according to the most recent news from the California Association of Realtors®. “The underly...
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• Housing Market Cools Off
Although the housing market in most cities soared in 2013, the fireworks began to subside by year’s end, based on the latest analysis of housing market trends by ZipRealty Inc, a leading online residential real estate brokera...
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• L.A. Office Leasing Activity in 2013 on Par with 2012
Office leasing activity in Los Angeles for 2013 totaled 12.9 msf, on par with the level of activity in 2012, according to the Los Angeles Studley Report, Studley’s analysis of office market conditions in the city and surround...
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• Retail Absorption for Second Half of 2013 in San Diego Highest Since 2008
Retail activity in San Diego County picked up speed in the second half of the year, with 600.8k sf of absorption. This was the most semi-annual activity since 2008, according to the latest data from real estate services firm ...
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• Latest Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson CA Commercial Real Estate Survey Sees Increased Optimism
The latest Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Forecast Commercial Real Estate Survey signals continued optimism among developers – a slight increase in confidence across commercial real estate submarkets since the survey was last co...
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• Outlook Strong for SoCal Industrial Real Estate
Demand is gaining momentum for industrial property, values are stabilizing, a new development cycle is underway, and the Inland Empire is Southern California’s runaway glamour market. That was the consensus of a blue ribbon p...
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• CA Home Prices Reverse Course and Head Back Up in December
California home sales fell for the fifth straight month in December as the distressed market plays a dwindling role in the state’s housing market. Sales for the year were down 5.9 percent from 2012 as tight housing inventory...
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