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Miramar Capital Buys 333k sf Inland Empire Industrial Asset


In an Inland Empire industrial buy, Miramar Capital paid $86 mil for Serrano Industrial Park, a three-building industrial park totaling 332.7k sf ($258/sf) in Jurupa Valley. The seller was PreZero.

Located at 4350, 4388 and 4420 Serrano Dr, the three Class A, institutional quality manufacturing buildings feature 28 dock-high and three grade level doors, 30–32-foot clear heights, heavy power and fully secure concrete truck courts.

Strategically located in the West Inland Empire, the site has excellent access to State Route 60, Interstate 15, and the San Pedro Bay Port complex and is seven miles from Ontario International Airport. This distribution site is located near over 14 million people within a 50-mile drive.

CBRE National Partners’ Joe Cesta and Darla Longo, along with Erik Wanland represented PreZero, in the transaction.

"Serrano Industrial Park offers a unique investment opportunity with buildings that meet the current leasing demand and provide above-standard power in the vibrant Inland Empire," said Cesta. "Despite broader challenges in the Inland Empire industrial market, demand remains for facilities that can support manufacturing tenants requiring heavy power."

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