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Sunnyvale Mixed-Use Development Celebrates Official Grand Opening


Cityline, a new transit-oriented, mixed-use destination in downtown Sunnyvale, celebrated its official grand opening this month. The project is a development of STC Venture LLC, a joint venture between affiliates of Hunter Partners and Sares Regis Group of Northern California (SRGNC)

The Martin, Sunnyvale
The Martin, Sunnyvale
In late 2015, the venture acquired 36 acres south of historic Murphy Ave in Sunnyvale. Since then, an active, pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use district has emerged, featuring 1,100 new apartments, 1 msf of office space, a large public plaza, and 500k sf of new retail and entertainment options.

“Cityline’s mixed-use design combines office, residential, and all types of amenities to create a walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly core that offers dynamic experiences whether you work, live, or play -- or do all three -- in Sunnyvale’s re-imagined downtown,” said Jeff Smith, Director of Development/SVP for SRGNC.

Cityline’s development team is led by a joint venture between SRGNC and Hunter Partners, with SRGNC the primary residential developer, and Hunter Partners the primary commercial developer. Other members of the team included equity partner J.P. Morgan Asset Management; esteemed architecture firms Gensler, Heller Manus, KTGY, SGPA, and Studio T-Square; landscape architecture firms Bionic Landscape and The Guzzardo Partnership; engineering firms BKF Engineers and Langan; and contractors Devcon and Build Group.

Groundbreaking for Cityline’s Phase I kicked off in late 2016. Construction included 273 apartments (with 12.5% BMR units) and nearly 100k sf of retail. That was followed by a 110k sf building anchored by Whole Foods Market and AMC Theaters, two retail uses that were priorities for the city.

In early 2021, Phase II commenced as the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) was approved, allowing a maximum of 792 residential new units (with 11% BMR units) and up to 650k sf of office space located above 182k sf of ground floor retail on four parcels along Murphy and McKinley Avenues. Topping out in May 2023, the two seven-story office buildings and a 12-story luxury apartment tower, The Martin, are now complete and ready for new retailers, businesses, and residents.

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