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$29 Mil Renovation Project Completed at Riverside City College


C.W. Driver Companies has completed a $29.3 mil renovation at Riverside City College with the transformation of the former Physical & Life Science Buildings, built in the 1960s, into the new Business, Law, and Computer Information Systems Building. The work involved significant changes to the original incarnation with the demolition of all interior spaces to make room for new classrooms, conference rooms, computer labs, testing centers, and a multipurpose room. The spacious 34k sf building, which took 18 months to complete, will provide instructional and support services to accommodate the program’s growth.

Nineteen Six Architects and C.W. Driver Companies was challenged with creating an entirely new interior and joining two buildings while not dramatically altering the footprint. As a result, the school’s original structures on the site (a two-story building with classrooms and laboratories, and four-story service tower that housed a mechanical room, restrooms and storage) received seismic retrofitting in the renovation and are now united via an addition on the upper level, creating a lobby and main entry, as well as circulation spaces, meeting rooms, an engagement center, and an open study area.

On the lower level of the addition, the underside of the existing balcony was enclosed with storefronts to provide interior access between the two buildings. Other areas in the renovation include a large meeting room, courtroom lecturing space, a Network Operation Center, Cyber Security Lab, and additional computer server room space.

The project is designed to LEED Gold Certifications with multiple updates to the former buildings’ antiquated infrastructure systems.

Located at 4800 Magnolia Ave in Riverside, Riverside City College offers more than 100 degrees and certificates. The college serves approximately 15,500 full- and part-time students annually.

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