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OCC Industrial and Garvey Ventures to Develop 31-Acre Industrial Project in Arvada, CO


OCC Industrial (OCC), a joint venture with Garvey Ventures, has acquired 31.64 acres in Arvada, CO. The property, situated along Hwy 93 and Hwy 72 in Candelas, will be developed into an industrial park to be called Candelas Innovation Park. The project will consist of four state-of-the-art industrial buildings providing 350k sf of space.

Candelas Innovation Park, offering panoramic mountain views and immediate access to world-class outdoor activities, will be marketed to West and Northwest Denver industrial users. The development is situated near a strong educated workforce, substantial residential growth, great local eateries, and an abundance of community amenities.

The four buildings will range in size from 60k sf to 105k sf and will feature attractive storefront entries, native landscaping, clear story glass wrapping around the buildings, dock-high loading, 190’ shared truck load court, 28’ clear height, ESFR sprinkler system, EV charging stations, 2/1,000 parking counts and outdoor amenity areas. The development will be completed in two phases.

“This land acquisition is a rare opportunity to develop an innovation park in the land-constrained West and Northwest industrial submarket in Denver. Situated along the front range, Candelas Innovation Park will attract high-end users from Boulder, Denver, and Golden”, noted James Carolan, Chief Financial Officer at OCC.

OCC acquired the property from Cimarron Commercial. The seller was represented by Jeremy Kroner, from the CBRE Denver office. Kroner and CBRE colleague Jim Bolt will be the exclusive leasing agents for the project.

The architect for the project is Ware Malcomb and the general contractor is Golden Triangle Construction. Site work will commence in December 2023 with delivery of the buildings in the fourth quarter of 2024.

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