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• Time for Our Weekly Report on the Economy
Friends and Colleagues First of all, welcome to the many new members of our growing cyber-community!! This weekly Economic Update should keep you up to date with the regular gyrations of the financial world. It also provid...
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• Berton's Corner
Certainly one of the more intriguing developments (pun intended) we'll be seeing in the dot-com-heavy Golden State commercial real estate arena in the months ahead is the evolution -- or perhaps revolution -- in the definitio...
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• Quick Take on the Economy
Here's a cool column we recently came across that we thought would be of interest to RENTV's viewers. It's sort of a weekly sound bite on the economy, put together by David Rosenthal, MAI, who is the Managing Director of Cur...
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• May 26, 2000 - Price No Obstacle in San Mateo County
The good folks at Real Estate Alert have been kind enough to let RENTV reprint this recent article from Alert, which gives some insight into the dramatic rise in property values in San Mateo County. The technology industry's...
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• Net News
A.I.R., the American Industrial Real Estate Association, has just upped the online commercial property listings battle a notch with the introduction of e-MULTIPLE, their Internet-based commercial property information system t...
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• Berton's Corner
I wish I had time to condense those endless reports and commentary on e-commerce's potential impact on commercial real estate into a concise reference resource. Fortunately, big New York-based real estate securities fund man...
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• New Real Estate Internet Sites Popping Up Faster than LA Sub-Lease Opportunities
Although a little slow out of the gate, the commercial real estate industry is starting to embrace the Internet as a valuable source of information and as a tool to help them do business more efficiently. Hey – you're alread...
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• Weekly Economic Outlook
Friends and Colleagues: Oh no....not again!!!!!!! Just when we thought that the world was starting to make sense again........ Just when we thought that Mr. Greenspan was back in control of this train...... Can you believe...
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• Some Quick Numbers on Strong Industrial Market
Nearly 15 mil sf of industrial building space was either leased or sold in the Los Angeles Basin during the first quarter of 2000, representing more than a 30 percent increase over the same period one year ago, according to d...
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• Berton's Corner
Just a few months back, big-time shopping center developer JDN Realty seemed to have uncovered a near-perfect opportunity to jump head-first into the hot-but-high-barrier Southern California retail real estate marketplace. T...
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• Millichapisms From the Technology Battlefield
Monday, about 1,000 people gathered at the Century Plaza Hotel, for Real Estate Conference Group's Technology + Real Estate Conference, to hear a number of the industry's leaders speak about how commercial real estate is bein...
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• Cushman & Wakefield Takes Hit in Broker Wars
Global real estate services giant Cushman & Wakefield has been roughed up a bit lately, as they've had to deal with some difficult industry situations. In a significant setback just announced, the New York-based firm learned...
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• Berton's Corner
Quick. Name the last 300,000-sf-plus late-vintage downtown L.A. core office highrise to sell in a broadly exposed, arms-length deal? About the only property to truly match that description over the last couple of years is th...
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• March 16, 2000 - Quick Info on Current Debt Market
We thank Randy MacDougall, VP & Partner at Dwyer-Curlett in Newport Beach for contributing the following update on the current state of the debt market. Debt capital remains plentiful, as most lenders are not seeing the anti...
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• Activity and Forecast
We appreciate the following press release we received from Grubb & Ellis regarding the inspiring activity in the South LA market; we printed the release for you in pristine form. DEMAND FOR INDUSTRIAL SPACE DRIVING PRE-LEAS...
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• LA County Court Quashes People's Republic of Santa Monica
We thank Francie Murphy Associates for sending us the following news release, which we'll print for you, verbatim: City Cannot Force Developer to Pay for Traffic Signal not Mentioned in Construction Permit. LA County Superio...
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• Big Bucks Blitzkrieg on U.S. Real Estate
We reprinted the following Casey Sayre & Williams news release, verbatim: Date: January 31, 2000 For: JONES LANG LASALLE LOS ANGELES -- German investors, finding the U.S. real estate market highly appealing during the la...
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There are lots of things happening in the real estate space on the net. Sure everyone knows about LoopNet, Co Star, and our lead story subject, PropertyFirst, but new entrants focused on different service niches are popping u...
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• Legal Warning to Landlords Re: Tenant Protection
This came to us via the PR firm representing the law firm of Harding, Larmore, Kutcher & Kozal, and it's really interesting stuff so we thought we'd pass it on, nearly verbatim. When the California Supreme Court absolved the...
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• New Monthly Newsletter Posted First Week of February
Click on the Monthly Newsletter link to get this month's intensive look at activity in the San Fernando Valley markets, as well as the other egular sections such as Pro Moves, Public-City, Bloom's Fumes, and more.
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