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Former Call Center in the Bay Area Sells for $11.5 Mil


ATI Windows bought Green Tech Plaza, a 103.2k sf, former call center property in Fairfield, for $11.5 mil ($111/sf). Built in 2000, the property is located at 5253 Business Center Drive.

Green Tech Plaza has over 40k sf of solar panels located on the roof and on the covered parking area. It will also have two docks and two grade-level doors.

CBRE’s Brooks Pedder, Tony Binswanger and Matt Post represented both the buyer and the seller, Eastborne Investments, in the deal.

“Green Tech Plaza was originally developed as a call center and when call centers moved offshore, the property became obsolete,” said Pedder. “The property’s large floor plate and enormous parking lot made it best suited for a large user, but there were almost no office users looking for space of that size. We got creative and proposed that the zoning should accommodate R&D, flex and assembly and manufacturing uses to attract a broader user base.”

Pedder continued, “It took almost two years to get the City to approve the addition of several dock and grade level doors and we overcame many challenges throughout the process. However, we were able to create value for both the buyer and seller by repositioning the property and turned functional obsolescence into a creative re-use that the new owner is planning to use as a showroom, office and light manufacturing facility.”

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