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Hanley Investment Group Raises $31,800 for Movember in 14th Annual Fundraiser Supporting Men’s Health


Hanley Investment Group Real Estate Advisors raised $31,800 for Movember in November. This marks the 14th consecutive year that Hanley Investment Group has joined the global movement to raise awareness and critical funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. Hanley Investment Group has raised a total of $400,000 to support men’s health initiatives since the company launched its campaign in 2011.

Hanley Investment Group’s campaign theme, “Saddle Up for Movember,” spurred the team into action to drive awareness and raise donations. Movember, best known for its annual November fundraising campaign, funds various men’s health projects and receives donations year-round. Starting clean-shaven on November 1, men, or “Mo Bros,” grow and groom their mustaches for the rest of the month, becoming walking, talking billboards for men’s health. Women, or “Mo Sistas,” actively participate in fundraising efforts as well.

Hanley Investment Group, along with Nathan Holthouser, president of Coastal Commercial, co-hosted a fundraising event on November 21, 2024, at Muldoon’s Irish Pub in Newport Beach. The event featured guest bartending by Hanley Investment Group President Ed Hanley, Holthouser, and Lounge Group’s Mario Marovic. The Lounge Group is a prominent Orange County food and beverage consulting firm, owning and operating popular local establishments, such as the Wild Goose Tavern, The Country Club, and Muldoon’s Irish Pub.

Hanley added, “We exceeded our fundraising goal of $30,000 for the month, and I am truly moved by the support we received from our clients, colleagues, friends, and family to accomplish this. This cause is very important to me and our company, and our success wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of so many.”

Hanley lost his father to prostate cancer in 2009, and Movember provides a meaningful opportunity for him and the Hanley Investment Group team to give back to the community and raise awareness about men’s health issues.

“We hope that by bringing attention to men’s health, we can save lives and spare loved ones from loss,” said Hanley. “Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men over 45, with over 1.4 million men diagnosed each year, according to Movember.”

There is still time to donate to Hanley Investment Group’s Movember fundraising effort. Click HERE.

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