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California State Senate Passes Assembly Bill 2904.


This report was provided by NAIOP SoCal

In an historic achievement for NAIOP SoCal, the California State Senate unanimously passed Assembly Bill 2904 with a vote of 39 to 0. This milestone marks the first time in the association’s history that NAIOP SoCal has sponsored a bill and successfully guided it through the state legislative process. 

AB 2904, authored by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-67), represents a small step forward for the commercial real estate industry. The bill aims to provide greater transparency in the zoning change process by doubling the number of days a municipality has to notify property owners of a pending zoning change.

This legislation is a testament to the importance of collaborative efforts between industry leaders and policymakers in creating a more robust and resilient economy in California. NAIOP SoCal’s Senior Consultant for Government and Political Affairs, José Cornejo, played a pivotal role in navigating this bill through the complexities of the legislative process. His strategic guidance and deep understanding of the intersection between real estate and public policy were instrumental in securing this victory.

“We are incredibly proud of the passage of AB 2904,” said Timothy Jemal, CEO, NAIOP SoCal. “This historic achievement demonstrates our deep commitment to building bipartisan relationships while advocating for policies that support the commercial real estate industry and contribute to California’s economic growth. This effort is paying off. I thank our members and allies, who contacted legislators in support of the measure, and commend the excellent work of José Cornejo in providing exceptional leadership and dedication throughout this process. This is a big day for NAIOP SoCal and Southern California’s commercial real estate industry.”

NAIOP SoCal also extends its heartfelt appreciation to Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-67) for her outstanding leadership and hard work in authoring this critical of legislation. Her commitment to increasing transparency and galvanizing bipartisan support in both chambers has been invaluable.

NAIOP SoCal also thanks State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-09) for introducing the measure on the Senate floor leading to its unanimous passage.

As NAIOP SoCal celebrates this major accomplishment, the association remains focused in its mission to increase our effectiveness in advocating for public policies that support sustainable growth and competitiveness of commercial real estate across Southern California.

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