Commercial real estate veterans Kristen Croxton, Greg Reed, Andrew Kwok, and Tina Quirin have launched Arcus Harbor Real Estate Capital, a financing platform designed to provide advisory services and execution to CRE investors.
To ensure direct access to agency debt, Arcus Harbor recently signed an exclusive correspondent relationship with Lument, a Fannie Mae DUS®, Freddie Mac Optigo®, and HUD/FHA MAP and LEAN lender. Arcus Harbor will refer all Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA loans it originates to Lument for underwriting, processing, and closing. Lument will also provide balance sheet and non-agency loans for Arcus Harbor originations.
The Arcus Harbor principals have worked closely together at Capital One, Beech Street Capital, and Deutsche Bank Berkshire Mortgage for the past two decades and bring extensive experience on both the production and credit sides of the industry. The entire team has extensive agency experience that spans credit, production, and origination.
Reed and Croxton were Capital One's leading agency production team for many years during their 13-year tenure and won Fannie Mae's Rainmaker Award. Kwok has spent his 18-year career directly involved in originating, structuring, and underwriting billions of financing transactions, and Quirin served as a Chief Underwriter for Capital One prior to moving to production in 2022. Altogether, they have originated over $20 bil dollars in commercial real estate transactions, primarily Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA loans with a strong emphasis in the western states.
“Our clients will benefit from a seamless and efficient process. Lument’s strong leadership, range of proprietary products and technology, and client-centered processes made Lument a clearcut choice for us,” Reed said. “Fannie Mae’s selection of Lument for its Operational Excellence Award this year only underscores our confidence that that our collaboration will provide unparalleled service and advice to facilitate growth and prosperity for our clients.”
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