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Alicia Bramble, James Daughrity and Odest Riley Jr. Launch CRE Firm Focusing on Local Communities in Need


SoCal Premier Property Management, a newly formed, 100% minority-owned commercial real estate firm, offers full services and protection to property owners and tenants across Southern California. The new firm was founded by and is being led by real estate professionals Alicia Bramble, James Daughrity and Odest Riley Jr.

(L-R): Odest Riley Jr., Alicia Bramble, James Daughrity
(L-R): Odest Riley Jr., Alicia Bramble, James Daughrity
SoCal PPM's mission is optimizing properties into high-performing assets and preserving generational wealth in the heart of local communities in need. The founding trio collectively brings an impressive 60 years of experience in real estate investment and finance. They have completed over $1 bil in sale, lease, and finance transactions.

Here is a brief background on the three founding partners:

Alicia Bramble: With over ten years steering affordable housing asset management and supervising 4,000+ multifamily units, Alicia's resume spans several programs, including LIHTC, USDA, RD, HUD, HOME, CDBG, and farmworker initiatives. Her track record includes seamlessly integrating vital processes and community-centric programs.

James Daughrity: Through his firm, Daughrity Real Estate & Management Solutions LLC, James has closed real estate deals worth nearly $89 mil in just two years. His focus remains on properties located in the Opportunity Zone and proximate to the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project near SoFi Stadium.

Odest Riley, Jr.: As WLM Financial's CEO, Odest brings almost two decades of real estate acumen, having concluded transactions exceeding $400 mil. His portfolio includes single-family homes, condos, apartment complexes, and more.

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