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Work Finished on New $38 Mil STEM Building on Menifee Campus of Mt. San Jacinto College


Construction has been completed on a new two-story STEM building on the Menifee campus of Mt. San Jacinto College. The $38 mil, state-of-the-art building, which broke ground in May 2022, was designed by DLR Group and built by C.W. Driver Companies on behalf of the community college district.

The building unifies the school’s growing biology, physical science, and math programs into one location (where they were previously spread out across several campuses). The 57.4k sf structure will provide students and faculty with a centralized hub in the center of campus to collaborate, experiment, and learn in the various science and technology fields.

In addition to creating one centralized building for STEM studies, the project also provides the math department a permanent place for instruction. The building, which features expansive windows and a generous atrium, houses science labs and lecture rooms, general classrooms, math and general studies labs, and faculty offices.

Located at 28237 La Piedra Rd, the Menifee campus is one of four for Mt. San Jacinto College, which has additional campuses in Banning, Temecula, and San Jacinto. The college serves more than 25,000 full—and part-time students annually.

“The new Mt. San Jacinto College STEM building is an important addition to the Menifee campus, bringing a modern hub to student and faculty members at the center of campus,” said Brent Hughes, COO at C.W. Driver Companies. “The integrated design and spacious indoor and outdoor spaces are designed to encourage collaboration and learning, specifically for the college’s growing STEM courses.”

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