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City of Hope Recognizes CBRE’s Val Achtemeier, Darla Longo and Barbara Perrier for Decades of Professional and Charitable Accomplishments


CBRE’s Val Achtemeier, Darla Longo, and Barbara Perrier have made history as the first all-female recipients of the Spirit of Life® Award from City of Hope’s Los Angeles Real Estate and Construction Council, otherwise known as City of Hope’s LARE Council, recognizing their outstanding careers and philanthropic pursuits. In recognition of their achievements, the three women have been honored with City of Hope’s Spirit of Life Award, bestowed annually on people who have had significant professional and humanitarian accomplishments.

CBRE’s Barbara Perrier, Val Achtemeier and Darla Longo
CBRE’s Barbara Perrier, Val Achtemeier and Darla Longo
All three women are in CBRE’s Capital Markets group, have consistently been named to CBRE’s Colbert Coldwell Circle which is comprised of the top 3% of producers in the company, and have achieved the firm’s top title for producers – Vice Chair. They operate as part of a larger national team and are aligned professional and personally.

Ms. Achtemeier, Ms. Longo and Ms. Perrier are trailblazing female professionals who have broken gender barriers. While the trio has become accustomed to professional accolades, Spirit of Life Award is particularly special to them as it represents a tribute based on their community outreach, philanthropy and their longstanding desire to always “make a difference.” In addition to a close professional association, the three women have built a deep and lasting friendship which also enhances the pride they feel in winning this award together.

Proceeds from this year’s fundraising campaign will support City of Hope’s cutting-edge research. City of Hope is a place where pioneering, action-oriented researchers and caregivers want to be, in no small part because of its unique, speed-to-cure research pipeline. They move new discoveries from laboratories to patients’ bedsides at a pace that is simply not possible elsewhere. Philanthropy is a vital accelerator of high-impact research across the enterprise, and fundraising campaigns play a critical role in standing up the cures they deliver, the discoveries they make, and the hope they bring.

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