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AHV Launches Third-Party Built-For-Rent Services®


AHV Communities has launched Third-Party Built-for-Rent® Services, providing end-to-end, institutional grade development and homebuilding services to the fast growing Built-for-Rent® sector. The services are being offered to developers, landowners and equity capital allocators/providers.

AHV Communities Third-Party Built-for-Rent® Services offering capitalizes on the company’s vertically integrated platform, which is one of the largest and longest tenured in the Built-for-Rent® industry. Services provided are fully customizable to meet varied project needs and cover the areas of site analysis, design, development and general contracting. In-house teams provide specialized, comprehensive expertise throughout the lifecycle of a project.

Privately owned with an institutional pedigree, AHV Communities is responsible for over $2.5 billion in project capitalization over the company’s decade-long history.

“With this new offering, we are leveraging our 10-year track record and proven project market acceptance, programming, relationships and brand recognition to deliver outsourced execution to our clients at competitive rates,” says Spencer Rinker, co-founder, CIO and president of homebuilding for AHV Communities. “There is a lot of demand today in the Built-for-Rent® sector for support in these key areas and our team is optimally positioned to provide it.”

In addition to its third-party services, AHV Communities will continue to design, develop, deliver and operate its own Built-for-Rent® communities, of both the single-family rental and attached rental varieties.

Established in 2013, AHV Communities’ current assets under management, including both operational communities and those under development, now encompass 21 communities and 4,230 rental homes valued at $2 bil. The company’s communities are now located in California, Washington, Colorado, Texas, Tennessee, and Alabama.

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