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Lincoln Property Company Makes Two Pro Moves to Boost Its Pacific Northwest Leadership


There are two notable leadership moves at Lincoln Property Company in the firm’s Pacific Northwest region. Ryan Feigelson has joined the firm as Senior Vice President, while Lee Morrison has been elevated to a newly created position as Senior Vice President of Leasing and Asset Management for the Pacific Northwest.

As Senior Vice President, Ryan Feigelson will be responsible for expanding the company’s portfolio by sourcing acquisition and development opportunities across the state of Oregon. He will also support the growth of Lincoln’s regional third-party business, including construction and development management, property management, leasing, and occupier advisory services.

A native Oregonian, Feigelson has nearly 20 years of real estate experience, beginning his career as a broker in the Portland market before transitioning to investments and development. Most recently, he served as Vice President with the private investment firm, NBP Capital, and was integral to their Pacific Northwest portfolio expansion. After joining the executive team in 2010, he helped grow the fund from $3 mil to over $1 bil in assets under management by year-end 2022, and successfully executed over $800 mil of new debt.

As Senior Vice President of Leasing and Asset Management for the Pacific Northwest, Lee Morrison is responsible for expanding these business lines across Oregon, Washington, and Idaho—strengthening the firm’s service offerings for clients and partners throughout the region.

Throughout his career, Lee has facilitated the management, leasing, and repositioning of over 6 msf of commercial properties throughout Oregon and Washington, including the iconic Wells Fargo Center and PACWEST Center in Downtown Portland. He has been directly involved in asset dispositions totaling over $750 mil in value, and more than 1.5 msf of leasing.

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