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Nadel Architecture + Planning Forms Partnership with Lisbon-based Saraiva + Associados


Los Angeles-based Nadel Architecture + Planning has formed a partnership with Lisbon-based Saraiva + Associados (S+A). S+A maintains the 9th largest residential practice in the world and is the largest architectural firm in Portugal.

The goal of the partnership is to create a collaborative design studio that delivers exceptional design and service to meet the growing multifamily residential needs of Los Angeles and the U.S.

According to Greg Lyon, Chairman, and Principal of Nadel Architecture + Planning, the Saraiva + Nadel collaboration will bring together a seasoned team with international perspectives, domestic knowledge, and a combined 75 years of excellence in design, service, and project delivery.

In a recent survey by Urban Land Institute, 50% of people said that walkability is a high priority in where they would choose to live. A Brookings Institution study concluded that convenient, amenity-rich communities are increasingly appealing, and that 63% of millennials would prefer to live where they do not need a car often, according to Patrick Winters, President and Principal of Nadel Architecture + Planning.

“Los Angeles is undergoing a tremendous period of evolution and we are increasingly seeing a desire for people to experience a localized sense of community while still getting to enjoy the benefits of larger urban life, a concept that is already prevalent abroad, and can be observed in many European cities,” says Winters. “Because the need for housing is so great, designers must innovate to create projects with higher unit counts, while still delivering the sense of luxury, quality of life, and connection to community that people are looking for. This includes developing housing that incorporates community amenities, retail, and restaurant space to help redefine convenience and mix leisure with everyday life. In addition to our current multifamily studio, the Saraiva | Nadel studio will allow us to pursue multifamily and mixed-use projects of exceptional ambition, scale and complexity.”

Miguel Saraiva, CEO & Founder of S+A, points out that the firm exists to enhance the built environment through versatility of architectural solutions that are drawn from a global approach to problem-solving.

According to Curtis Scharfenaker, a Senior Partner and CEO of S+A US, who directs the growth and development of S+A in the United States, the Nadel & S+A partnership will deliver high-quality multi-family residential projects to clients that need an innovative global design perspective combined with the skills and commitment to provide the highest quality service during the complete design to building life cycle.

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