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ViaWest Group Starts Work on 146k sf AZ Industrial Project


ViaWest Group has broken ground on Airport 48 Industrial, a 146.5k sf, Class A industrial building that will sit on one of the last remaining infill parcels in Central Phoenix. The project is being built by local general contractor Stevens-Leinweber Construction (SLC).

Airport 48 Industrial is located on nearly 10 acres at 3232 S. 48th St, immediately fronting State Route 143 and just north of Interstate 10. It is five minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport and two minutes from a full-diamond interchange, providing direct access to all major Phoenix freeway systems.

“The need for centrally located logistics space has grown in lock-step with the Valley’s skyrocketing population,” said ViaWest Partner Danny Swancey. “Airport 48 is a tremendous site, located minutes from Sky Harbor Airport and within a 30-minute drive of almost 2 million residents. These logistics advantages, combined with the modern amenities of this building, will serve tenants well for a very long time.”

McCall & Associates serves as the project architect and Kimley-Horn is the Civil Engineer. Isy Sonabend and Drew Eisen of NAI Horizon serve as the building’s exclusive leasing brokers. Airport 48 Industrial is expected to deliver during the fourth quarter of 2022.

“In a submarket with an industrial vacancy rate of just 3.9%, Airport 48 represents one of the only options in the area for mid-size users seeking very centrally located, modern space that is also highly divisible – in the case of Airport 48, down to 35k sf,” said Sonabend. “That combination has already attracted a long-term lease from SothernCarlson, bringing this property to 45% leased before construction has even begun, and setting it on a path for potential lease-up long before its completion.”

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