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Unique TX School Building Offered for Sale


We thought some of you might be interested in this unique listing that just hit the market in Fort Worth, TX. It’s for a 21.5k sf, two-story office building that was originally built in 1892.

Located at 319 Lipscomb St, the Richardsonian Romanesque-style building served as the Stephen F. Austin Elementary School until 1977. Famed golfer Ben Hogan and actress Ginger Rogers both attended the school.

After purchasing the building in 1980, Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Co renovated the space to use as its corporate headquarters until 2020, when the company moved to its current headquarters at 509 W. Vickery Blvd. Rebranded as The Schoolhouse on Lipscomb, the site is the oldest standing school building in Tarrant County and was named to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

The campus features multiple expansive executive offices with private restrooms, conference rooms, a catering kitchen, walkable outdoor green space with room for amenities, original chalkboards in most offices and ample parking. Large arches framing the recessed entries are complemented by hardwood floors throughout the space, antique glass, original doors and wainscoting.

Whit Kelly and Associate Dallas Margeson with Transwestern Real Estate Services are marketing the property on behalf of the owner.

“This history-rich building offers a one-of-a-kind chance to lease a beautifully designed space in a submarket that has seen incredible growth in recent years,” said Kelly. “Opportunities for single or multi-tenant use are extraordinary, and the design of the schoolhouse only supplements the tenant experience within the unique space.”

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