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New 88k sf Athletics Center Completed at Orange Coast College


The new Kinesiology and Aquatics Pavilion at Orange Coast College (OCC) in Costa Mesa has been completed. The 88k sf athletics center features expanded and modernized space for a variety of OCC programs, including physical education, athletics, sports medicine and kinesiology studies. Comprised of three buildings, the complex is part of a larger plan to revitalize OCC and attract new students to the university’s academic programs.

Built by C.W. Driver Companies in two phases, the initial stage included new construction of a 58k sf, multi-building complex. Phase two included renovation of a 30k sf structure that housed a men’s and women’s locker room and existing pool areas. The project introduces a 65‐meter competition pool with double bulkheads, 25‐meter instructional pool and 450-person capacity bleachers. The three buildings are interconnected by an overhead shade structure.

The new pavilion features division offices, athletic training, equipment management, locker rooms/showers and support spaces for aquatic programs. It is also home to the school’s adapted kinesiology program, which encourages individuals with disabilities and/or chronic illness to study and apply general fitness and movement principles throughout their lifelong participation in physical activity, exercise and sport.

This complex is part of a larger project funded by Measure M, a $698 mil general obligation bond provided and supported by the local community to modernize education facilities for all universities within the Coast Community College District. C.W. Driver Companies partnered with Little Diversified Architectural Consulting and Aquatic Design Group on the project.

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