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LiquidSpace and Premier Business Centers Team Up to Provide Businesses a More Flexible Array of Creative Workspace Alternatives


LiquidSpace, the largest real-time network for office space, has entered into a new workspace partnership with Premier Business Centers, one of the largest, privately owned executive suite and alternative workspace companies in the United States. This strategic venue partnership systematically activates 730k sf of additional inventory, significantly increasing the breadth of LiquidSpace's current workspace offering.

The company is seeking an additional 100 msf of new office inventory listings in the next 12-24 months to support rapid growth and strengthen its position as the industry's largest and most diverse network for real-time space availability.

"Premier Business Centers® is a leading provider of full-time executive offices, part-time day offices, virtual offices, shared workspaces and meeting facilities in the the U.S, providing over 1.4 msf of commercial office space in total," said Mark Gilbreath, CEO of LiquidSpace. "As LiquidSpace continues to drive accelerated growth and aggressively target supply activations, this is an incredible opportunity to augment our existing supply initiatives, extend the network's geographical reach and provide relevant space matches from verified venue partners to meet demand from startups and large enterprises."

LiquidSpace offers professionals and high-growth teams the ability to dynamically scale their use of space at the natural pace and rhythm of their growth. Whether someone needs space for three hours or three years, LiquidSpace enables them to utilize a vast range of differing workspaces including meeting rooms, coworking space, shared workspace, brainstorming ready spaces, event spaces, dedicated desks and more. As demand for flexible workspace solutions continues to grow, LiquidSpace is focused on building out strategic supply that aligns with the unique requirements of today's increasingly distributed workforce.

This additional inventory from Premier Business Centers®, adds to the diversity of workspace offerings within the LiquidSpace supply network across its major markets including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and the District of Columbia. Further, this partnership connects Premier Business Centers® with an opportunity to tap into the LiquidSpace network to drive additional customers into their spaces - from startups to large enterprise customers.

"With direct access to high-growth tenants nearby and exclusive market insights, LiquidSpace gives our business a strategic position within the broader commercial real estate ecosystem," said Jeff Reinstein, CEO for Premier Business Centers®. "We plan to leverage the digital platform's powerful technology-driven solutions to augment our existing channels, increase visibility and convert vacancies more effectively."

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