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Premier Business Centers Enters Colorado Market with New Denver Location


Premier Business Centers has acquired the assets of an existing executive suite operator out of Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Denver. This is Premier Business Centers’ first executive suites location in Colorado. Irvine-based Premier is the largest privately owned executive suite operation in the U.S.

Premier negotiated a purchase agreement with the bankruptcy court Trustee and a new master lease with the building owner over the course of eight days. The executive office suite is in the Belcaro Place building, located at 3801 East Florida Ave in Denver. The 17.5k sf shared office space has 76 office spaces, two conference rooms, a day office, a kitchen, and a reception area.

Belcaro Place, located on the quiet west side of Colorado Blvd, just south of Cherry Creek, is a convenient location providing quick and easy access to I-25 via South Colorado Blvd or University Blvd and is midway between the DTC and Downtown Denver. Offices range from 80 sf to 240 sf with some of the window offices having “Front Range of the Rocky Mountains” views.

“We are very excited to have entered the Denver market and open our first executive suite in Colorado. We are looking at other opportunities in the area and hope to open several more centers in Colorado over the next few years,” noted Jeff Reinstein, Chief Executive Officer for Premier Business Centers.

Premier Business Centers brings a wealth of knowledge and years of experience to this new location. An experienced general manager was brought in to help setup quickly in the market. Premier will be spending over $150k to renovate and upgrade all of the furniture, fixtures and equipment to improve this executive office space.

Belcaro Place (formerly known as Cypress Point) has recently undergone major capital renovations and improvements to return the building to one of the preeminent office properties in the market for start-ups, entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies, including attorneys, accountants, executives and mobile working individuals.

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